Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The beautiful, inspiring good news about the Arts in today's world

Please allow me to share this inspired, thought-provoking talk given by Ben Cameron - another gold mine from the astonishing TED team. There seems to be so much pessimism about what is happening in the world of the arts - is there any hope? I found this passionate talk to be direct and uplifting and a bull's eye challenge to those of us that care about our world, to continue to forge ahead with our music and dance and poetry and life. I hope that if you enjoy it, you can help spread the word:


Unknown said...

I think there can be no doubt that we need art in our world more than ever today! But I also believe that the arts - industry (if you allow me to call it so) needs to embrace the new media and create new ways of access. Sometimes it feels to me like you are single-handedly trying to promote opera in a way that fits into our time - I would hope so much that many others would follow your example...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this video. I reposted it on my blog. Looking forward to YOUR next YouTube video. :-)

Robin Flynn

oboeinsight.com said...

Thank you SO much! Posted at my blog now ... such an important message for musicians to hear.

freeze said...

Joyce, for some reason your site has started bringing up the Malware "this site can harm your computer" warning for me. I don't know if this is the case with other users.