I wanted to send out a very heartfelt, sincere THANK YOU to each and every one of you who have taken part in my journey over this past year, and throughout the years. I love singing and performing, but there would be no "career" without each of you who fill the seats, buy the discs, spread the word, and most importantly, who derive some bit of statisfaction, insight, or joy from the music I help make. In sum, YOU are the very reason I do what I do.
I cannot begin to express the fortune I feel to do what I love to do and to have the opportunity to share it with each of you. For some reason, things have fallen into a beautiful, miraculous configuration that provides a way for me to make a living in music. This never escapes me, and it continues to fill me with joy.
There is really no proper way to thank you, but I wanted to try! I have bought a LLAMA, which we can call the "Drama Llama" for obvious reasons, via one of my favorite charities, Heifer Interational. In your name, oh fabulous Yankeediva Fans, a llama will be given to a family/village most in need, and as a result it will help bring sustenance, income, and dignity to people who may struggle with such things we often take for granted. Llamas are great, because not only can they survive on scrub vegetation, hence not robbing families of precious food, but they fertilize the ground in a great way, while their fleece serves as a fabulous source to knit clothing as a source of income! They are the best. (Not to mention that they are the cutest things in the universe - this alpaca stole my heart this past summer in the San Juan Islands!)
How ADORABLE is he? Or she.
It is a small gesture, but certainly anything but a small one for the family that will welcome this animal with open arms. Should you feel like reciprocating in any way, you, too, can purchase geese, sheep, rabbits, or even a part of a heifer!!! (Fat lady jokes commence!) Just click the link above and enjoy the rush of helping someone in a very significant, substantial and concrete way.
In the meantime, I'm home for Christmas, baking cookies, choosing ornaments (the Handel variety, not the red-ball variety!) and getting ready to enjoy every moment with my family. May each of you enjoy your holiday with gusto, overflowing with love and joy, or at least great music!! Again, you have been so very good to me, and I share in the beauty of this life with each and every one of you!
One last little gift to smile about -- ENJOY!!!
After a LEO, a LLAMA! ;-)
Happy Holidays, Joyce! I (as just one of your fans) am more than grateful and thank YOU for sharing your glorious gift with the world (the Llama, included)! Best wishes, to you and your family!
Gaby :)
Merry Christmas , Joyce !! Have a great time with your family :)
I'm very proud of being a "Yankeediva fan" and "Drama LLama" is a reason why more :)
Dear Joyce,
we have to "thank you" as well, because without you there would be not seats to fill or discs to buy, and we would not have the inmense fortune to enjoy your voice and wonderful music. Haendel wrote it, but you make it possible.
And with some Messiah words we should say "(Re)Joyce greatly!".
Kisses and hugs from Spain,
and merry merry Christmas!
Dear Joyce,
Happy Christmas to you and your family! I hope it's a restful and relaxing time for you. Thank you for all your lovely gifts: your music, your joy, your kind and thoughtful words, and the Drama Llama! All the best,
Anna :)
Happy holidays, dear Joyce.
Happy holidays...!
Enjoy these days with your family doing the things you like the most...
As a fan I'm looking forward to your next rossinian challenges...
Best wishes from Barcelona...
Dear Joyce!
Merry Christmas to you and your family! I wish you all the very best. Have fun, relax, enjoy and share wonderful moments with the people you love and create new happy memories!
You inspire all of us. Thank you and God bless you.
And you bake TOO? First I get Colbran:the Muse for Christmas (YAY!), then Drama Llama. A very full, glorious day made brighter by you (evidently Christmas makes me mawkish). Have a splendid holiday with those you love!
Merry Christmas to you, Yankeediva :) Hope you're resting enough, enjoying the break with your family and friends, and not dying of an overdose of good food!
Take care! ^^
I hope you had a wonderful (and hopefully restful!!!) christmas! I can't really find the words to thank you for everything this year. It continues to amaze me that without ever having met you, I can still gain such hope, inspiration and joy from reading this blog, seeing you perform and listening to your wonderful CD's again and again and again. The 'Drama llama', (as well as being incredibly awesome!!!) in my opinion, is just another piece of proof that you are one of the kindest, most generous, giving people on this planet and it is an example that everybody else should aspire to follow.
Thank you, I hope you have had a beautiful christmas, and that 2010 gives you everything you deserve and more.
Our best wishes for the next year!.
Kind regards and looking for seeing you next January in Barcelona!!!!.
Josep & Glòria
Happy New Year to you, Joyce. I have just revisited the reviews of the Barber you did in London earlier in the year. That was the performance of a lifetime, an astounding triumph to cherish for the rest of your life. Indeed, a performance for the history books of opera. Bravo, bravissimo.
What a lovely and thoughtful gift, the Drama Llama! I wish you and your family a very happy holiday season. We look forward to seeing you in more concerts and operas in 2010! We were listening to your Colbran CD while driving home from Christmas.
And I was totally ROFLAO watching the YouTube video. You rock!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
A gala concert in Baden-Baden-on New Year's Eve! Do you get extra money for this hardship assignment? Don't spend it all in the casino ?
Gunter, the punter
Dear Joyce,
I am glad to say that two of the absolute highlights this year were attending your unique performance as Rosina ("on wheels") in London and your outstanding concert in Salzburg. And what is more, you will lead us into the new year in Baden-Baden tomorrow! I am so much looking forward to this gala concert - being the starting point for 2010, which shall be another year full of joy and success for you and us who love your music.
Best wishes,
Hello, Joyce!
Listened to your Alcina over the holidays.Ah,mio cor-very enjoyable.Did you know they have a new production of a Handel opera every season in Halle-Handel's place of birth?It's not a big city but its big brother Leipzig is just a few miles down the pike with the Gewandhaus orchestra.I hope you don't get into the habit of singing stuff like"Summertime" or "The man I love", leave it to Sarah Brightman- the diva of schmalz.I wish you a happy and succesful New Year.
@Gunter: "I hope you don't get into the habit of singing stuff like"Summertime" or "The man I love"
Why not? Her rendition of "The man I love" or "Over the rainbow" was breathtaking (but everything was). Let's not be too purist and disdain these pieces, since they are little jewels when well performed. I totally enjoy your performance, Joyce, and I had "Can't help lovin dat man of mine" in the head all day :)Singing these songs with a full orchestra must have been awesome!
If it's not too late to give the Drama Llama a more human name (?!), how about Lucia... as in, of course, Lucia di Llamamoor.
If it's a male, or if you're/we're/it's not sure, then Andrea. Andrea? Well, after that aria in Andrea Chenier, "Llama ma morta".
Sorry... though actually not very!
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