Fast forward 1 hour and I'm booked on a round trip ticket leaving in 14 hours, arriving in NY 4 hours before the Richard Tucker Gala at Avery Fisher Hall, set to return immediately after the concert, arriving in Geneva tomorrow just in time to step off the plane and into my first orchestra staging rehearsal of that Handel opera back in Geneva. By my calculations, that's 29 hours. Yes, I know. I'm nuts.
But I love the Tucker Foundation (not only for the obvious reason that I was the 2002 receipient of their generous, incredible award) but more importantly for the unwavering dedication they show for young American singers. Since the timing worked out perfectly, how could I say no? I'm very sorry that Susan Graham is ill and can't sing, and I'm sure there will be many disappointed opera fans in the hall, but I'm happy that I could jump in, fill in some of the gaps, and take part in what will surely be an exciting afternoon.
Incidently, our piano dress went very well, and I'm beginning to understand the atmosphere our director is going for. Regardless of specifics, it is a TRUE masterpiece, this Ariodante, and to sing a role this intense, complete, profoundly deep and beautiful is what it is all about for me. But for the moment, Ariodante takes a back seat as I revisit Dorabella (Good Lord, how long has it been?), Octavian, and the ever ready Rosina here in NYC.
(And in case any concert goers catch site of this little 'blurb', please excuse my dress - I know it's not appropriate for Octavian to present the Silver Rose in a sequinned gown with a plunging neckline, but I'm afraid my choices were a bit limited on this late notice! Entschuldigung!)
Good God, YOU ROCK! Thank you, thank you for coming to NYC for this. You were incredible!!!!
Sounds like a blast actually! Tiring I'm sure, but FUN! Break a leg Joyce!!!
Dear Joyce,
I one of the many who first learned about your blog via The New Yorker, and I'm quite impressed! Particularly since I am trying to write on my own blog, and am often hitting walls in regards to what I MAY write (not wanting to piss anyone off.) You seem to have found a good balance for that, keeping it about yourself and the music.
I look forward to future postings from you!
Oh, curses. I wish I'd known to go. Anyway what a feat!
Joyce sei fuori di testa...!!!! ;-)
Pero' che dire... MITICA!!!
Ti chiamero' Lady Airline... hahahahah
Baci e abbracci (ok.. anche a Leo, dai...!!!) ;-)
Awesome picture! You go with your jet-setting self! I hope the concert was amazing (as I am sure it was) and that things are still going well with the Handel!
Believe me, i ve been constantly listening to your Rosina and the Rosenkavalier duet with Damrau the past few days and it was totally worth it!!!! (Well, of course, it wasn't me who got jet-laged)...
Thank you one and all! Sometimes the stars align in just the right way - but they could have easily been slightly askewed, making for a missed flight, a lost back, or a cracked note - so as always, my gratitude is abundant!
I'm glad it went smoothly for you (flights, gowns and singing included!) --almost found myself in a similar situation a few days ago (and blogged about it, too), but happy to see that the last minute calls and substitutions really do happen more often than I imagine and it helps to always be prepared!
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