Friday, August 6, 2010

It's a November release, Baby!!!

(Can you tell I was a bit tired? "I'm doing another Rossini work, 'Stabat Mater' of Rossini." Redundant much? ;-)

I had a show in Milan on a Tuesday night in July, and a driver picked me up from the secret exit of the theater (so clandestine!) so I could make a quick escape, and what should have been a 4.5-5 hour drive, ended up taking over SEVEN HOURS!!! The "driver" was by far the slowest man on the road (he was being "safe" he assured me!) but the bigger culprit was that he had brought his wife along and she had to stop for the restroom 3 different times. It was out of a bad dream.

I didn't sleep a wink, and fell onto the hotel bed at 6:15 AM. The recording started at 10:30. SOMEHOW I felt great for those 2 days, we had a ball and made some truly gorgeous music together, and I then returned on the high speed train on Wednesday night, slept about 12 hours, and did 2 more Rosina's back to back to finish my run in Milan.

Rossini owes me BIG time! ;-)

Dress rehearsal for "Norma" today was intense, moving, scary, wonderful, overwhelming, nerve-wracking and all-around fabulously exciting. Bellini - you are THE MAN!


Unknown said...

've waitin for info on this release. yay

pesce42 said...

of course you are tired!

"The Department of Redundancy Department" basically.

Can't wait for this release, and I love how you do shout outs to us here in your blog. You have no idea how wonderful it is to not feel anonymous!


freeze said...

Awesome! And I'm SO HAPPY Larry Brownlee is getting more known.